Monday, April 19, 2010


Once upon a time, there was a large mountain side, where an eagle's nest rested. The eagle's nest contained four large eagle eggs. One day an earthquake rocked the mountain causing one of the eggs to roll down the mountain, to a chicken farm, located in the valley below. The chickens knew that they must protect and care for the eagle's egg, so an old hen volunteered to nurture and raise the large egg. One day, the egg hatched and a beautiful eagle was born. Sadly, however, the eagle was raised to be a chicken. Soon, the eagle believed he was nothing more than a chicken. The eagle loved his home and family, but his spirit cried out for more. While playing a game on the farm one day, the eagle looked to the skies above and noticed a group of mighty eagles soaring in the skies. "Oh," the eagle cried, "I wish I could soar like those birds." The chickens roared with laughter, "You cannot soar with those birds. You are a chicken and chickens do not soar." The eagle continued staring, at his real family up above, dreaming that he could be with them. Each time the eagle would let his dreams be known, he was told it couldn't be done. That is what the eagle learned to believe. The eagle, after time, stopped dreaming and continued to live his life like a chicken. Finally, after a long life as a chicken, the eagle passed away.

Dear Friend, I have come to discover that we choose our career vocations out of insecurity without first looking inside us to know if that decision will satisfy our GOD GIVING PURPOSE. I want to use this medium to let you know that God our creator has created us for a particular divine purpose, even you. Archangel Gabriel words to our dearest mother Mary made us to understand that for you to fulfill God’s purpose you must have found favour with God. Mary fulfilled her earthly purpose by accepting and carrying the cross of her son Jesus Christ. Most of us know about this already but we are so adamant to tune ourselves to that which God has actually created us for and that is why some of us struggle forever without finding joy, we always dictate for God what we want, not what He wants. Jesus fulfilled his by paying the prize for us today even though he was hoping the cup of that ultimate prize can pass him by. Christianity would have been a thing of the past if some men and women had not taking the challenge to accept their God giving purpose to surfer and die for it.

I was discussing with a brother from Philippines, Ricky by name, he complained that for seven years now he has been married without a child, he consider himself to be a very strong Catholic, he has booked several masses, spend so much money and yet the child is not coming, I ask him if know the purpose while God has created him, he said it was for him to be a priest but that he consider child as the greatest gift of life, so he left the seminary only to get married without a child for seven years now. Check your heart, ask God about it, you will discover an inner man trying to come out to do great things and not until you allow it to come out you will never discover the great things you can do, you will continue to reason like a chicken while you are an eagle, You have been created to make a change even though the government of this country is down, even though all are not going well, ask yourself, what have I contributed to help this Sick Nation as some writer puts it, am I fulfilling my God Giving Purpose.

Finally, we can really make this life a better place by tuning our wills towards His divine purpose, the good things you see in life today has been invented by people who are so bent on making this life a better place for all, Thomas Edison for example. Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true. Leon J. Suenes

Jeremiah 29:11-12 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." NIV

Ardently committed to your success.

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